Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Jumping in Head First

The baby is, that is. You better believe it, the baby is head down. All ready to come into this world, what an overachiever. I found all of this out at my doctor's appointment last Wednesday (31 weeks). The doctor did a quick ultrasound to see what's going on in there and the baby was sucking it's thumb and wiggling it's toes. Can I just say, I think this kid is pretty darn photogenic.
Another thing that no one tells you about pregnancy that I found out at 31 weeks is that your hips will randomly "slip" out of place. How super! At work on Monday my left hip literally fell out of place while I was sitting at my desk. I tried to stand up at the end of the day and my whole leg gave out and it was crazy painful. I tried everything I could think of; stretching, trying to walk, squats, etc. Nothing worked. I sucked it up and limped/dragged myself to my car. So at my doctor's appointment I brought it up to the doctor who informed me that in some pregnant women the bit of cartilage that holds their pelvis together just breaks which makes their pelvis kind of "floppy". Then on top of that, a pregnant woman's body releases hormones to "loosen" their joints. Mix these two things together and you get a winning combination for your hips being a floppy mess. He recommends physical therapy, which I will be starting next week, fingers crossed it helps.
After my doctor's appointment on Wednesday I went to see our doula, Marin, for a massage on Thursday (thanks to groupon!). It was amazing. I told her that my hips were a mess and she seriously worked like crazy on them. We also got a chance to chat a little and get to know each other a little better. After the massage I could walk! WITHOUT A LIMP! And without pain which hasn't happened for nearly 4.5 weeks. Seriously, I nearly cried out of pure amazement and appreciation. Andy said he might send me to see Marin every week just so he doesn't have to hear me complain about my hips anymore. Anywho, I scheduled another massage for May 15th and I'm on the count down. Hopefully the combination of massage, physical therapy and yoga will make me a real girl again.
In other news, the nursery is basically done (YAY!). All that's left is last minute organizing, no big deal. Now we have to start packing for the hospital (which is just ridiculous)\, putting the car seat in the car (car pool lane anyone?\), taking our child birth classes (which start on Wednesday), looking in to breastfeeding classes, I've started to write our "birth plan",and interviewing pediatricians. Well that list is much longer than I thought it was going to be... Apparently I still have a bunch of junk to do. BOO.
Well, this has gotten wordy, hasn't it? Sorry about that. Here's a picture of me at 32 weeks. Big and springy :).

That's right everybody, the baby has all 5 senses and KNOWS HOW TO USE THEM. What a champ! Keep baking little baby nugget- we will be seeing you soon.