Sunday, October 31, 2010


Tonight was halloween but apparently in Utah you don't have holidays on Sunday, interesting. So instead it was a night of me and the dog watching tv together. Mr. Andy has left for San Diego for a conference thing. He is a bit upset that he doesn't have a bay view, beggers can't be choosers, right? Any who, tomorrow starts my month of gratefulness, who's excited? THIS GIRL! So before we officially close out the month of October I will leave you with some pictures from our girls day at Gardner Village for the Witches Festival. We had a blast!
 Hayden isn't much of a picture kid but I think we got a keeper here!
 Miss Lydia was a little sleepy but so cute none the less.
 Sisters, what a special moment.
 Jacks is ready for Christmas!
All of us, minus Whitney who had to take the picture.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Say What?

Apparently a part of being a "home owner" means doing yard work. What?! Where was that in the closing papers? I refuse! I demand release from this statute! Well that didn't help. Against harsh protest Andy still managed to get me to do yard work today. Gross! But I do however, get a reward. He said if we did yard work this morning we could go antiquing this afternoon! All together now... "YES!!!" I will update you on the stuff we find later.
Tonight is the halloween party are Megan and Jason's. We are still a little lost on what to be, oh well we will figure it out.
I will leave you with a pretty picture of my parents from their trip out here. :) I don't think there could be a greater example for a marriage. Yay for rockstar parent. (Side note, that's a framer folks!)

Friday, October 29, 2010

Lost and Found!

Camera has been located, yes! Which equates to some awesome pictures for your viewing pleasure.
Let's start with a few pictures of Mr. Jackson that I took one day he was visiting. Megan these are for you, lady.

 Jackson and I started playing in the kitchen sink which meant the little man had to lose his clothes before he was soaked. He had a blast and I got some awesome pictures. I have to say he is my favorite 1 year old.
And anyway, who can resist that SMILE?!

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Just a quick update on the moose chili. It turned out great! It was yummy and Andy even ate two bowls. I chalk that up to a win. GO ME!
In other news, I can't find our camera. Which makes me very very sad because all of the pictures from our girls day at Gardner Village are on there. The search continues...

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Prayers Please

I'm asking for everyone's thoughts and prayers to please be sent to my home town. There is a tragic situation unfolding and many lives might be ruined. A guy that was in my graduating class has killed 3 people and injured one today. He is still on the loose and is considered extremely dangerous. I don't know anyone personally that has been effected but the community is pretty small.
Thank you in advance for your compassion and prayers.

Baby it's cold outside...

Apparently I spoke too soon about fall... It's definitely winter outside now. We got a very big snow storm last night. Which means my yard is not only full of leaves I haven't gotten to rack yet but now there is about an inch of snow of top of them! Oh well, on the up side this means it is officially sweater and boot weather!
In other news I'm branching out and making something very new today... MOOSE CHILI! Our neighbor, Wit, got a once in a life time chance to hunt for moose and, even more once-in-a-lifetime-ish, he got a giant moose! They have over 400 lbs of moose meat which they are trying to give away, so of course I offered :). I'm all for trying something new, Andy isn't so much. He told me we better have bread for sandwiches just in case. Any way, I found a super easy recipe online and I tweaked it a little for things I have on hand, hopefully it turns out yummy.
In other food related news, I made a pumpkin gooey butter cake the other day. Like all gooey butter cakes it was super easy and awful for you. But I have to say, I think I will stick with the original. On this one, I will go with the saying "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". The original is about as close to a heavenly experience as you can get and this pumpkin version, while I had high hopes, just fell a little short. The consistency is more of a pumpkin pie instead of "gooey". And I don't think the crust worked with the filling. Oh well. I still have a whole 9x13 pan full to eat, so who's coming over for some cake?!
I heard today that November is the month of gratitude, which makes since due to Thanksgiving and all. So in light of this new discovery. I will be giving you a little incite into my life and I will be listing the things/people/experiences I am grateful for throughout the month of November. Get ready folks, it could get interesting!

Have a fabulous day!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fall in to Happiness

It's fall here in Salt Lake.. Well at least it is supposed to be. And I have to say, fall is pretty much my favorite season. I love the chilly mornings and evenings but it's still warm enough during the day to get things done. And do I really have to say it? THE LEAVES! I love leaves! Crunchy pretty colored leaves during fall were sometimes the only things that got me to go to class in college (come on, everyone has their incentives). Now when I drive into or out of my neighborhood I have the greatest view. I drive down this small hill and around a corner and the view just opens to you. The street is lined with trees of all different persuasions, which makes my leaf viewing that much better. There are some that are gorgeous deep reds, almost purples. Right next to others that seem to have fire bursting from within, coming to show a bright orange. Then their are the yellows and golds, honestly, you've got to hand it to God; he really knows what he is doing. Now in the background behind my beautiful tree lined street are these majestic mountains. They are splashed with all the fall colors, just a bit more muted, making they seem like a water color painting just hung up for my amusement. You may be asking yourself, this picture can't get any better? Oh but it does! Now the mountains are snow capped! And everyday around 5pm the sky is making this perfect blue ombre. Needless to say my view is breath taking.
I have tried to capture this behind the lens of a camera but it never shows the true beauty. By now I've decided that this picture has been painted for my eyes and not for the eyes of a camera. So if you want to see it for yourself, you must come visit.
Like I said before, fall is my favorite season and I think that is why I chose October for the month of our wedding. So I will leave you will some true fall happiness... A picture of Andy and I on our wedding day.

Monday, October 25, 2010


Welcome to my new blog... I wasn't the best at keeping up with the last one so I thought I would start fresh. The title of this blog is "All Dressed Up in Love", this comes from one of my favorite movie quotes. At the very end of Sex in the City 1, Carrie is explaining how all of the ladies have found their happiness and how fashion labels go in and out of style but the one thing that never goes out of style is love. And if this is the truth, which I believe it is, I'm trying to stock my life's closet full of Love.
Right now I am hopelessly unemployed. But thankfully, I have a wonderful husband who says, "it will happen when it happens". In the meantime, while waiting for "it" to happen, I am doing all of the things I love to do. Sleep late, cook, make things, be creative and build friendships. I'm doing all of those things people wish they had more time to do. Do I think this is luck? Or just misfortune turned so I can see the bright side? Either way, who cares?