Friday, April 1, 2011

Catch Up

Sorry I've been slacking on the bliggity blog lately but in my defense, I had a lot going on. So to make up for it I will be catching you up on life around here and somethings I have in the works...
Do you remember the volunteer position I applied for with the Women's World Health Initiative? Well I got the position! Woot! I know the position is voluntary (read: unpaid) but I'm pretty excited to be getting experience is something. Anyway, Tuesday was my first meeting with everyone, which was really fun! I love planning events and fundraisers and that's what we were doing!
Next up, our big trip! It was pretty awesome. This was the first time Andy had really been on a big vacation like this, and I won't lie, I was concerned. We vacation very very differently. I'm the kind of person that if you put me on the beach or next to a pool with a book I'm good all day. Not Andy he wants everything planned and the be busy the whole time. So I kept reminding myself that we should compromise... I compromised, he kind of just got his way. EXCEPT for my afternoon nap and the last day of the trip! That's right folks, I'm a 2 year old and had to take a nap every afternoon because someone got me up everyday at 7 because "We might miss SOMETHING!" In fact, one day I refused to set the alarm and therefore we slept until 9:30am! When he asked me what time it was he almost had a heart attack because we probably missed something really cool... I didn't care. lol. Anywhoo, we saw some awesome things, ate some amazing food, and got completely spoiled by being together all the time (what can I say, we like each other).
The only downside to the vacation is that a few of the bags we took (read: borrowed bags) got completely SMASHED! Like every piece of metal, plastic, wood and fabric had been shattered or ripped. To be honest I was impressed that they could pull that off. After realizing how bad the bags were we looked inside to find out that the ENTIRE bottle of mouthwash had spilled on most of our nice clothes, awesome. At least they smell minty fresh. Oh well, nothing a good washing won't fix. And speaking of washing, our dryer had been giving us trouble... Oh since we bought it almost 2 years ago. I refused to start the laundry when we got back until we got it figured out (because doing the laundry to leave took almost a WEEK because nothing would dry!). So Mr. Andy went out and tried vacuuming out our dryer vent... It filled the vacuum pretty quick. Next step call the professional! 2.5 hours, 3 different hoses, a broken pipe and a ridiculous amount of attachments later we have a completely clean dryer vent and a dryer that actually does it's JOB!
So that's basically what's been going on around here.... So I leave you with some pictures of our pretty trip :).

Andy and I waiting to go snorkeling in Tortola

Andy won a contest! We got $150!

Andy deep sea fishing in St. Lucia. But I caught the only fish.

In Barbados we went to a mahogany wood carving place. Way cool!

In St. Vincent we went to the botanical gardens... This is a cashew fruit and the nut that you eat is on the bottom!

Andy and I in Aruba :)

All the pretty buildings in Carocao

1 comment:

  1. I love your stories! I was laughing out loud when I read about your honeymoon! You two are so in love and so perfect for each other! I love hearing about it! The afternoon naps sound perfect, and I'm glad you didn't miss too much! Sounds like a great time! Sorry about the suitcases though! Still miss you!
