Friday, January 21, 2011

What a day...

Do you ever have a day when life just seems a bit overwhelming? Well that was today. And in the end I have figured out my automatic response to such a day, I want to go home. Not the home that is new and "ours", don't get me wrong, I love it but it's not "mine" yet. I want to go to the place where every street means something to me, where there is a memory of my life on every corner, and where I have a true feeling of unconditional belonging. To the place that the chicken noodle soup tastes better and the sheets are always warm. Which really got me thinking... When does this new home become "mine"? Or does it ever? Does the feeling of loss ever go away or do I get used to the empty feeling? Maybe it will go away with time...
I don't really think there are any answers to these questions but I wanted to throw them out in the universe to see if someone, somewhere had some insight. I think it's human nature to search for comfort and the most comfortable place I know is home. So when home is so very far away, how do I recreate that feeling? Can I?

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