Sunday, February 3, 2013

20 Weeks

We are officially halfway there! Or in other words, the baby is half baked. However, week 19 was kind of a mess, filled with ups and downs. First, I was asked to be on a local TV to talk about an organizational challenge I've been taking part in. Me, organized? Crazy talk. But the challenge has truly helped me so I messaged the show and told them to look into it. Instead they asked me to come on the show on Tuesday January 29. We have had some serious snow and Monday and Tuesday were the WORST. Like snow and ice everywhere. So after the show, which was awesome by the way, I headed up to the University of Utah for work. I thought I would be smart and walk through buildings instead of taking the exterior stairs which were solid ice. Smart, I know. But my luck kicked in and I fell down the stairs inside the building.
It was incredibly scary. Not for me but for the baby. I did not fall on my stomach but I have heard horror stories of women falling and causing all sorts of issues. So my first call was straight to my doctor's office. He was not in so I was asked to come in and see the midwife (who was very nice). Next call was to my Mister. He started to kind of freak out as well and decided to meet me at the doctor's office. The midwife thoroughly checked me out including blood work and moving up my hospital ultrasound. So we headed over to the hospital to get checked in for that. The ultrasound was AWESOME! We got some amazing pictures of the baby. The tech kept the gender a secret for us and printed off some "glamour shots" for us. But the baby did not want to show her their face, which is one of the images they need for the report. So we were sent to the cafeteria to get some juice and jump around a little bit. Luckily the baby had moved when we returned and she got all of the pictures she needed. (I will post ultrasound pictures later).
I've been incredibly sore and apparently the fall has thrown my hips out of wack so walking, sitting, standing, laying, sleeping, etc has gotten a little difficult. It probably doesn't help that my stomach is ever growing. In fact here is my 20 week picture to show the growth:
And that's right the ultrasound tech measured the baby and apparently it is a little over 6.5 inches long and is 11oz. (plus or minus an ounce). That's one biiig nugget!