Here's me...
is that you say? The baby is full term, you say? YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT!
According to the interwebs the baby is the size of a winter melon... I
have no idea what the heck that is but apparently it's delicious in
Chinese soups (according to google).
Way back in my 32 week update I told you about having to start physical therapy... Holy Jesus, I'm so happy I did that. My body was so flipping messed up. I started seeing Ashley the Amazing, she only works with women and most of her clients are pregnant. She is trained in pelvic issues, including pelvic floor muscles. I had no idea there were physical therapists that work only with women's issues but it totally makes sense. My pelvic joints and hips were so incredibly swollen when I started therapy that at one point the therapist couldn't even feel my bones. I impressed her with my pain tolerance at one point she said she would have been in tears and I was handling it.
After going to therapy for a week the therapist was looking at my hips and said "Have you ever broken your tail bone?"
Strange question, lady... "Um, not that I know of. Why?" Now I'm concerned.
"Ok, hold on... Does it hurt when I push here?" IMMEDIATELY I start screaming at her.
"Uh, yeah. You have a broken tail bone and it is pushed all the way over to the left." Ashley was not deemed "Amazing" yet, in fact she was Ashley the Terrible at this point. Anywho, she had to do some seriously awkward stuff to get the bone back in place (I'm not going into that junk, but if you have to have it done I will walk you through it.) It made all the difference in the world. 2 visits of awkwardness and a few weeks of incredibly painful muscle release made me into a person who could stand, walk, sit, sleep and move again. The reason I was in so much pain was because pretty much all of your pelvic floor muscles are attached to your tail bone and they were being pulled to one side. Which was putting pressure on a very important nerve and throwing off all of my hip muscles in the process. I told my doctor about all of this and he was in a little bit of shock. He said "I'm glad you figured that out because you would have ended up with an emergency c-section." Oh, dear doctor man, I'm pretty damn glad too. I'm happy to report as of today, I have been officially released from physical therapy because I am pretty much all better! WOOT! All of my bones are officially where they are supposed to be and my muscles aren't freaking out anymore.
In other news, I have an uncontrollable urge to walk... Like ALL THE TIME. At work I can only sit for about 30 minutes at a time, then I get up and walk around for about 10 minutes. I mean to the point I will just pace around the office. The other night I made Andy go for a walk with me after dinner and we walked for over an hour and a half... It was Ah-mazing! And this will probably be happening a lot more.
Also way back in my 32 week update I came up with a list of things that we needed to do... I'm happy to report most of them are done. We finished our childbirth classes, installed the car seat, organized everything after our second baby shower, I took a breastfeeding class, interviewed and "hired" a pediatrician, birth plan is written and signed by the doctor... Damn I'm productive! However, packing the hospital bag is just a ridiculous task and I will be putting that off as long as I can.
Alright, that's all I've got for right now. Next up is a nursery tour... I'm off to take some pictures! Dear Not-So-Tiny Baby Nugget, keep baking in there. I know you are squooshed, so am I, but the longer you bake the more ready you will be for "life on the outside". Don't make me ground you! I will pull this blog over, don't test me. (Look folks, I'm practicing!)