Apparently I spoke too soon about fall... It's definitely winter outside now. We got a very big snow storm last night. Which means my yard is not only full of leaves I haven't gotten to rack yet but now there is about an inch of snow of top of them! Oh well, on the up side this means it is officially sweater and boot weather!
In other news I'm branching out and making something very new today... MOOSE CHILI! Our neighbor, Wit, got a once in a life time chance to hunt for moose and, even more once-in-a-lifetime-ish, he got a giant moose! They have over 400 lbs of moose meat which they are trying to give away, so of course I offered :). I'm all for trying something new, Andy isn't so much. He told me we better have bread for sandwiches just in case. Any way, I found a super easy recipe online and I tweaked it a little for things I have on hand, hopefully it turns out yummy.
In other food related news, I made a pumpkin gooey butter cake the other day. Like all gooey butter cakes it was super easy and awful for you. But I have to say, I think I will stick with the original. On this one, I will go with the saying "if it ain't broke, don't fix it". The original is about as close to a heavenly experience as you can get and this pumpkin version, while I had high hopes, just fell a little short. The consistency is more of a pumpkin pie instead of "gooey". And I don't think the crust worked with the filling. Oh well. I still have a whole 9x13 pan full to eat, so who's coming over for some cake?!
I heard today that November is the month of gratitude, which makes since due to Thanksgiving and all. So in light of this new discovery. I will be giving you a little incite into my life and I will be listing the things/people/experiences I am grateful for throughout the month of November. Get ready folks, it could get interesting!
Have a fabulous day!